Safeguarding is everyone’s business and it is among the most important things we do. If our pupils do not feel safe, they will not learn.
The name of the academy’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Sarah Heery. They can be contacted via the academy office.
We also have the following staff who are involved in the leadership of safeguarding:
Tracey Ydlibi - Principal, Sharon Muddeman - Vice Principal, Rebecca Shaw - Vice Principal
Tracey Farrell - Assistant Principal, Katie Howse - Assistant Principal
You can find the trust-wide safeguarding policy
- Our own safeguarding protocols can be found below.
If you have a concern regarding an adult working with children at Nethergate Academy please contact Tracey Ydlibi, Principal. You can also report directly to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): Caroline Hose 0115 8764762
Any individual student, staff member, parent/carer or visitor can make a referral, if they have a concern about a child or adult, directly to the safeguarding team or the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).
Sexual Abuse within Schools – Child on Child Abuse, Sexual Violence and Harassment and Harmful Sexual Behaviour
Our position as a trust and within all our academies is clear: sexual violence and sexual harassment are never acceptable, will never be tolerated and are not an inevitable part of growing up. Such behaviour will never go unchallenged or become accepted and we remain committed to working openly and transparently with to promote mutual respect.
Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy has guidance within it around the indicators of peer on peer abuse and harmful sexual behaviour along with our response procedures. All relevant Safeguarding Policies are available on individual academy websites.
All students are taught the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum.
The appropriate means for disclosing an allegation of abuse relating to another student is always to inform a member of the specific academy’s safeguarding team directly or a member of the Trust Safeguarding Directorate. In the event that an allegation is made against a member of staff, this must be sent to the Academy Principal or directly to the Trust Safeguarding Directorate. We will always act on concerns raised.
Useful Links:
Prevent Duty:
Child Missing in Education Guidance:
Local Safeguarding Partnership Link:
Keeping children safe in education statutory guidance
Working together to safeguard children
If you are concerned about a child's welfare, please report it. If a child is in immediate danger, left alone, or missing, you should contact the police and/or an ambulance directly by phoning 999.
We are aware that a new version of Working Together to Safeguard Childrenwas published in December 2023. Although our policies refer to the older version which was current at the start of the academic year we do, of course, comply with all the requirements of the new document. |